![alt text](https://static.jojowiki.com/images/d/d9/latest/20201001092037/Joestars_Parts_1-5_April_4th_2021_Event.jpg)
## Files
### There are two files of the full Joestar Inherited soul event. Both Raw and Subbed.
#### The first is a 720p resolution video of the terrible (but funny) live dictation English subtitles provided by the event broadcast itself. It hasn't been cleaned up so there are handles at both the beginning and at the end. The actual show begins an hour in.
#### The second is 1080p, full-frame, unsubbed. This higher quality version has no subtitles but my hope is that by uploading it here if someone is interested enough, they could do the event justice for foreign viewers and add their own subs using this file, as I've seen none uploaded here.
These were both graciously provided by Delka on discord. This is their [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW163lrKOlYuAEYlyPoYWhg).
Comments - 4
SpanishGarbo (uploader)