Darren Shan \ Cirque du freak Vol 1 - 4 :: Nyaa ISS

Darren Shan \ Cirque du freak Vol 1 - 4

2021-04-25 19:44 UTC
No information.
File size:
582.9 MiB
Info hash:
Okay so I kind of struggled to find it in an easily accessible form since it is both not that recent and not very popular, I decided to take it upon me to find as much of the manga as possible and share it here so it would be easier to access. This will have volumes 1 - 4 , You can find much of the manga on darrenshanmangascans(vol 1-9 all of which will be in a larger future release) but it seems vol 10 onwards are not translated/easily found, I will try to search for those... I know volumes 10,11 & 12 exist in Spanish so if anyone is kind enough to translate and forward it I will include it :) Yes I am fully aware it can probably be compressed better and other stuff but since I am an amateur and want to just increase the availability I think it is not as important right now, if you have advice I'd like to hear it. Notes for future release: 1 ) dont name folder CBZs!!!! 2 ) More consistent naming Fear not tomorrow(26/4/21) I hope to release 1-7, both will be available at the same time for a few days so whoever downloaded this could finish downloading the volumes. Update : Volumes 1-8 packaged is now out so why download this? will still keep seeding.

File list

  • CBZs
    • Volume 2.cbz (296.8 MiB)
    • Volume 3.cbz (119.4 MiB)
    • Volume 4.cbz (111.6 MiB)
    • Volume1.cbz (55.1 MiB)
Thanks, I remember reading cirque du freak manga and the book a lot when I was a younger... will be a nice re-read