Oh wow another Ryuki batch that's more than double the size of the last one. By the remnants of PocketUniverse that doesn't actually talk about anything regarding the release details. I guarantee it will have no actual new subs to it. Just ripping subs someone else did without fixing the mistakes. Keeping the PocketUniverse spirit alive.
I'd appreciate having Ryuki in HD, but yes, info on the origin of the subs (and video for that matter) would be nice. Also this is unseeded and uploaded by an anon soooo looks fake?
The same torrent is on Anidex and it's also in the 1TB Kamen Rider batch. It's a combination of Genmcorp and Sub-Vent/MirrorWorld's subs. The HD upscale looks terrible though and it's 30fps, so I recommend getting Earthly's release instead.
don't matter if it were 30fps or 24fps, it's fucking 2021 already. older kamen rider should've been watch in HD by now. 720p is pretty reasonable for upscales.
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