「ねえ、あなたの夢を聞かせてくれない?」人の夢を喰う代わりに、寄生主に超常の力を与える“虫”が出現して10年。薬屋大助は通学電車で少女・詩歌と出会い、強く惹かれあう。だが詩歌は“虫憑き”を収容する国の極秘施設からの逃亡者だった。特別環境保全事務局は最高のエージェントにして最強の虫憑き“かっこう”に出動を命じ、容赦なく詩歌を追い詰めようとする! せつなく激しい想いが織りなす、それは最高で最悪のボーイ・ミーツ・ガール!
"Hey, won't you tell me your dream?" 10 years has passed since the appearance of the "Mushi", mysterious creatures which feeds on their host's dreams in exchange for granting them supernatural powers. Kusuriya Daisuke came across a girl, Shiika on his way to school and was strongly taken with her. However, Shiika was in fact a "Mushitsuki" and an escapee from the top-secret government facility which held them. The Special Environment Preservation Bureau thus sent Kakkou, their strongest and most powerful agent in chase of Shiika! This is the best and worst boy-meets-girl story interweaving tragedy and emotions!
親友の死後、亜梨子の前に現れた銀色のモルフォ蝶は、なぜ異形の長槍と化してまで亜梨子を守ろうとするのか? 亜梨子は極秘機関"特環"から送り込まれてきた少年・薬屋大助とともに、その答えを探し始める――!
After the death of her best friend, Arisu is followed by a silver Morpho butterfly which transforms into a spear to protect her from danger. But why? Along with Kusuriya Daisuke, a boy sent by the top-secret government organization SEPB, the two search for the answer—!
key: K8E0y8n9oMhE2HFhtojtKw
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