- The first season of Initial D, put through a de-noising and de-artifact software to 'clean' up the original footage.
- The process is not perfect, and some places may still have noise/artifacts/over-sharpening visible. Rain in some scenes might also be accidentally removed, there is nothing I can do about this.
- The original footage used was taken from 'Initial D complete series 1080p' from nyaa.iss.one.
- Note- my internet connection is very slow. I cannot do anything about this, as I live in a rural area, please accept my apologies.
- If you have any questions, or you have found any errors, please let me know on discord, my name is lime#0811.
Screenshots (comparison)
- Please note, the screenshot is of raw image, doesn't include video compression
- Encoding is MKV file, H.264 format 1440x1080 resolution
- Includes English + Japanese audio 448kb 48000hz rate
- Includes English subtitles, please note that you may have to select the subtitle/audio track when playing the video.
- Please enjoy, if you do not like the look you can always watch it legally throughout stream sites.
Total rendering time is around 120 hours
> Rain in some scenes might also be accidentally removed, there is nothing I can do about this.
Yes. How about not removing actual video data? Noise and grain are a part of the video. By cleaning up the video you basically making it worse.
> imgur
> Please note, the screenshot is of raw image, doesn’t include video compression
Imgur compresses images.
Glordit if you do not like the video, you can still download/stream the original footage. De-noising is not supposed to 'fix' the original, it is simply supposed to alter it in a way that some people may prefer.
I have to say, I am VERY IMPRESSED. By the quality of the video, which I compared many screens with the other top releases, and this was clearly the best (it's not like you are watching anime like you have very bad eye sight like it seems when its low quality), and also by your attitude. You had the perfect response to the honest and almost reasonable hater behavior that Glordit showed. Kudos to you, and thank you. I will try to help the seeding
>Kudos to you, and thank you. I will try to help the seeding
Thank you! I appreciate your positive feedback! I am very new to this area and still learning, but I am glad to make the day of others better.
>Stunning stupidity. Just incredible.
I'm sorry if you don't like it! You can still download or stream the original if you prefer- not all content is made for everybody!
>Have you used anime4k for this creation?
No, as far as I'm aware that's not what anime4k is for, nor is it particularly effective (though it is fast.)
Also, video upscaling isn't allowed on Nyaa, if you're looking for that you may find something on animein4k.com.
Comments - 15
lime0811 (uploader)
lime0811 (uploader)
lime0811 (uploader)
lime0811 (uploader)
lime0811 (uploader)
lime0811 (uploader)