Best is questionable. neko-raws encode had some heavy line sharpening & artifacts from it (haloing), plus some color smudging like background character eyes losing white detail (ep 11 - 8:30). Both LowPower-Raws and Nekomoe kissaten&VCB-Studio retain micro detail a bit better (plus the white in eyes), but really this season needs a new encode entirely. :(
Agree with Mabby. I remember checking VCB, LowPower, Snow, and neko. VCB (clean up the image a bit, make background textures a little clearer) and LowPower (little more grain/detail, more straightforward encode) are close, depends on your taste. I prefer VCB.
I ended up going with SCP-2223’s (LowPower) release because it’s already put together and looks good enough (better than Snow and neko imo). Only thing missing are chapters.
Still, thanks @mcbaws21. This is probably the best 720p version.
People complaining about the quality but aren’t purchasing the BDs should hang themselves. You didn’t spend a single fucking dime on the anime, so don’t bitch and complain like entitled brats.
Comments - 9
the timing is a coincidence considering my last upload
mcbaws21 (uploader)
not even a coincidence, i saw yours and realized there’s no good season 2 release
fair enough, good to have one up at least
Best is questionable. neko-raws encode had some heavy line sharpening & artifacts from it (haloing), plus some color smudging like background character eyes losing white detail (ep 11 - 8:30). Both LowPower-Raws and Nekomoe kissaten&VCB-Studio retain micro detail a bit better (plus the white in eyes), but really this season needs a new encode entirely. :(
Agree with Mabby. I remember checking VCB, LowPower, Snow, and neko. VCB (clean up the image a bit, make background textures a little clearer) and LowPower (little more grain/detail, more straightforward encode) are close, depends on your taste. I prefer VCB.
I ended up going with SCP-2223’s (LowPower) release because it’s already put together and looks good enough (better than Snow and neko imo). Only thing missing are chapters.
Still, thanks @mcbaws21. This is probably the best 720p version.
People complaining about the quality but aren’t purchasing the BDs should hang themselves. You didn’t spend a single fucking dime on the anime, so don’t bitch and complain like entitled brats.
mcbaws21 (uploader)
eh, i don’t really see Mabby and Kulot as entitled. criticism should be appreciated imo, it helps the community improve quality as a whole. :)
includes a dub commentary but cut out jp commentary vomits
mcbaws21 (uploader)
i don’t remember finding a jp commentary source. i also would never include a jp commentary without subs for them