[◯PMan] Assault Lily Bouquet Creditless Openings & Endings (BD 1080p FLAC) :: Nyaa ISS

[◯PMan] Assault Lily Bouquet Creditless Openings & Endings (BD 1080p FLAC)

2021-05-24 08:20 UTC
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791.3 MiB
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![](https://cdn-eu.anidb.net/images/main/257612.jpg) Beep beep, here comes FHD Shaft. All NCs minus ED1v2 suffered from the same issue plaguing the first 3 volumes of this show: the dreaded no-dither syndrome. As was evident with Vol. 4, this also extended to the original masters (since they just slapped dithering on-top, hiding a fair amount of nothing). This meant heavy banding, which I tried my best to fix without destroying every bit of detail. Sadly, that proved rather hard for some scenes, so banding remains there (albeit it much weaker than it used to be). The only ED that was basically perfect was Ep9's ED, owed to it just being pure detail and not much else. Filtering included edgefixing (ED1, Ep5's ED), followed by weak supersampling to slightly blur the lineart without destroying finer bits of detail, simply because I prefer lineart to be *slightly* softer than it was here myself. I also performed a heavy blur on only extremely bright areas of the frame to help improve compression for effectively free (this shouldn't affect anything visible, just remove grain and compression noise where we can't see it anyway). Finally, I performed a 3-way layered deband. Most of the frame, especially parts with (easy-to-catch) lines were hit with a relatively weak deband, areas surrounding those with a stronger deband, and largely flatter gradients and areas with a super strong deband, and followed this up with adaptive dynamic grainer, with larger grain chunks. Certain frames in the OP were also specifically hit with jus the strong deband, because the detail loss was worth removing (most of) the banding in my eyes. Ep9's ED received just the blurring part mentioned here. It should be noted that not everything could be preserved well. The banding for this is extremely strong, but I still believe this should look immensely better for both people who prefer "perfect" encodes, and those who prefer simply a good-looking picture that doesn't make your eyeballs bleed. Meme idea for anyone who wants to filter the OP for some reason: split into RGB, deband the shit out of the red plane, and see what is left. But only for the intro. Good luck. Requests are welcome, but don't count on me to follow through with yours from the get-go. A sheet with links to all my releases, as well as OP/EDs I plan on encoding, can be found [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VYJymlJMgQG36upLIT_P_evI5mUkEYnmAcg06Z0P28U/edit?usp=sharing).

File list

  • [◯PMan] Assault Lily Bouquet Creditless Openings & Endings (BD 1080p FLAC)
    • [◯PMan] Assault Lily Bouquet Creditless ED1v1 (BD 1080p FLAC) [26119E36].mkv (96.0 MiB)
    • [◯PMan] Assault Lily Bouquet Creditless ED1v2 (BD 1080p FLAC) [8BEA8943].mkv (125.8 MiB)
    • [◯PMan] Assault Lily Bouquet Creditless Ep5 ED (BD 1080p FLAC) [D884341B].mkv (106.2 MiB)
    • [◯PMan] Assault Lily Bouquet Creditless Ep8 ED (BD 1080p FLAC) [7F96305B].mkv (83.0 MiB)
    • [◯PMan] Assault Lily Bouquet Creditless Ep9 ED (BD 1080p FLAC) [CE5081B7].mkv (179.0 MiB)
    • [◯PMan] Assault Lily Bouquet Creditless OP1 (BD 1080p FLAC) [8A783C81].mkv (201.3 MiB)
Thanks! Full series when?
Thanks!! If possible please do Ballroom e Youkoso.