I know that for a lot of people it isn't considered proper to upscale manga, but personally, I just prefer to use the upscaled raws over the original because imo it looks better (though I will admit that there are a couple errors when it comes to the sky screentones). Apart from that, scaling it back down should look nearly identical to the original undenoised raws.
Don't listen to people that tell you 1100px is "good enough" Upscaling simply does look better. Especially with fonts. I don't want my manga to be "good enough" visually just because someone else doesn't care about visual quality.
Don't listen to the people who said "don’t listen to people that tell you 1100px is “good enough” Upscaling simply does look better." Upscaling doesn't always better, it depends on the upscaling software that the people use. It's better to upload the original size then upscaling it manually using prefered software.
Comments - 4
KojoUn (uploader)