新米ハンターのアキラは、命賭けで足を踏み入れた旧世界の遺跡で全裸でたたずむ謎の美女《アルファ》と出会う。彼女の依頼はある遺跡を極秘に攻略することで――!? 次代のWEB小説を牽引する期待の新鋭が登場!
In a rebuilt world long after the collapse of a past advanced civilization—the boy encounters a mysterious beauty!
When newbie Hunter Akira stepped into an ancient ruins in the perilous old world, he came across "Alpha", a beautiful woman in the nude. She then requested of him to delve into a certain ruins in secret—!?
key: jvgXcnUF7S3XJRfJYUjaZA
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