This is the official English translation by Tappytoon.
Reminder that this is a (Manhwa) Webtoon. It’s a must-read with a long-strip supporting app.
I recommend using SumatraPDF for PC, and ComicScreen or Tachiyomi for your phone.
Previous chapters: 000-150 | 151 | 152 | 153 | 154 | 155 | 156 | 157 | 158
Comments - 4
Vagabond (VIZBIG Edition)
Upload viz signature edition
Pajeet quality is bad!!!
Thanks! Could you please upload the entire webnovel? (270 Chapters). You can find them here: “”.
Thanks for your work! I ask this because the Yen Press translation will take so many years to complete the series…
Could you please upload:
Solo Leveling - Chapter 160;
The Beginning After the End - Chapter 1-115
You can find The Beginning After the End here: “”