If there are no seeds or would like to request a release I haven’t uploaded, add and message me on Discord: Holo#5151
Any help in seeding is appreciated. Thank you.
I recommend KenjiH’s releases for dual audio (only Season 1 is dual audio) and the other OVAs (I only did Season 1 OVA)
Video: HQR
Audio: KH
Subs: KH(Final8 (Sign&Songs+Full))
Nep_Blanc (Chihiro,Polished, Exiled-Desinty, DVD)
Compared literally every raw out there and HQR looks the best by far with ank-raws second if you can’t stand watching in 576p. TV and BD are cropped and warped a bit (circle ep1@19:00). BD makes some things become sharper with bolder lines; others like signs, buildings, trees and minor details are washed out. I was going to add doki as a sub source but they only went up to ep6 (it looks like aomundson uses yabai for the rest).
Video and Audio: Salender-Raws
Subs: Yabai/Final8 Edited
Added video titles to match episode titles listed at AniDB
Video and Audio: Beatrice-Raws
Subs: Doki-Chihiro, E-D
Added video titles to match episode titles listed at AniDB
Video and Audio: Beatrice-Raws
Subs: Koten_Gars (Pomf w/ Garo7 edits), Doki
Chapters: Pomf
Added Embedded Episode Titles from AniDB
Creditless OP & ED subs were taken from Pomf and Doki separately (Koten_Gars didn’t have them)
Video and Audio: Beatrice-Raws
Subs: Koten_Gars which are edits of Doki's final subs for the show (not the tv subs which do not include fixes), Doki
Added video titles to match episode titles listed at AniDB
Watch Order taken from r/anime. I added the Darkness 2nd OVA and Multiplication to finish it off. This is how I watched it and it avoids major spoilers.
To LOVE-Ru ->
Motto to LOVE-Ru ->
To LOVE-Ru Darkness OVA Episode 1 ->
To LOVE-Ru Darkness Episodes 1-10 ->
To LOVE-Ru Darkness OVA Episodes 2-3 ->
To LOVE-Ru Darkness Episodes 11-12 ->
To LOVE-Ru Darkness OVA Episodes 4-6 ->
To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd ->
To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd Specials (Episodes 13 and 14)->
To LOVE-Ru Darkness OVA Episodes 7-9 (To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd OVA)->
To LOVE-Ru: Multiplication
Comments - 8
are these all dual dubbed?
dirty_old_holo (uploader)
@Nokou none of mine are.
Finally some good raws were used for the first season
Darkness OVA?
To LOVE-Ru: E14-E24 still have
at OP.ToishY
^ Fixed here
The [polished] subs are out-of-sync. This point rather take [KH] releases.