Episode 7! Next one should be more timely.
According to the Japanese captioning, the "Littel" and "Sheda" are the nobles and commoners, respectively. Spelling may be subject to change if they ever show it in alphabet instead of kana.
![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/QDqV9wE.png "Don't touch the boobers!")
Yamato faces his greatest challenge yet!
Can I at least have ONE episode without the strong language especially the hard R (I assume cleaning up previous works might be too time consuming)
I just want one fansub that uses the word Frick damn it.
Anyway thanks, and idk why the likes of Crunchyroll, Hi-Dive, or Netflix didn't pick this up I'll never understand.
Official licensers don't have good taste nowadays.
I have not used the gamer word once in these scripts, "hard r" or otherwise. fwiw Yamato and Ryuugo use very coarse language by Japanese standards, but I'll see if I can make the zoomer track a little less offensive.
Comments - 4
Milky-Subs (uploader)