Thanks for sharing, it's really great to know i wont need to re-encode it back to 264 so I can watch it whenever and where ever I want without restrictions.
@ EnzoLoveless Hey its still far better than the 720w x 840h version that existed from way way back. Resolution that small looks like shit on an 85 screen. What most don't even understand about Anime is a lot of it when created only have between 8-12 fps. or something close to that. they've gone as low as 6 frames per second on occasion. When its been transferred to TV, DVD, BluRay, internet it gets a a big frame rate increase. And waaa laa instant line doubling effect takes place. This is just one more reason 10 bit encoding is a waste because the same quality has always been possible encoding with 264 avc 8bit by simply increasing frame rates. And you wont be sacrificing compatibility with media players the way 10/hevc does. But since common sense seems to be something 10bit encoders don't want to use. Encoding the wrong way will continue as funi/crunch wants it to in order to control sharing.
That release a couple comments up has nicer colours, that's about it. It lacks English audio track and the bitrate is noticeably worse. It almost looks like it's been letterboxed and zoomed in but that's probably just the encoding.
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