Removes the weeaboo from the previous release.
Final file name should be "One Piece - Strong World \[INP Muxed with SAMPLE raw\] \[v2\] \[2C3A59EC\].mkv" without the quotation marks, for those that care.
It's real simple to use this.
1\. Open xdeltaui.exe
2\. Select the patch file
3\. Select the original movie
4\. Choose where you want the new movie to go, as well as the name.
5\. And you're done!
(Same thing as the previous upload, just fixed the rar name, no need to redownload)
File list
V2 Patch - One Piece - Strong World [INP Muxed with SAMPLE raw] [5C42257A].mkv.rar (136.3 KiB)
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