Video: Crunchyroll WebDL taken from SubsPlease. 8 bit, 8000 kbps, h264.
Audio: Funimation WebDL taken from NanDesuKa. 48khz, 258kbps, AAC-LC.
Subtitles: Includes both Crunchyroll and DameDesuYo’s subtitles, with DDY’s preview edited to include the official title name.
Chapters are taken from DDY.
All credit goes to DameDesuYo for their awesome subs.
Comments - 8
Lets goooo
Nice! Maybe for future episodes if you want the best available audio for the simulcast, the BilliBilli has 48kHz AAC 320kbps. User BraveSail shares all of those with [NC-Raws] (B-Global) in the title.
mcbaws21 (uploader)
i’ll take a look, thanks
You’re welcome. I also took the time to compare audio tracks and the B-Global one is legit and not transcoded from lower bitrate source. More audio is preserved with being up to around 18.5kHz while the Funimation one retains audio up to around 17.5kHz and the B-Global audio file is only 10MB larger. That B-Global release is also not a bad way if you want to see the new episodes sooner. It gets released about 3 hours sooner than CR/Funi plus the English subtitles aren’t bad either. That’s also how I chose to watch the new Yuuki Yuuna season since HiDive’s video compression is appalling except the English translation on that one was god awful.
mcbaws21 (uploader)
I also checked spectrals and found the same, B-Global’s audio is legit and around 320kbps. I would recommend not watching B-Global unless it’s the only option though, their video is much worse than crunchyroll’s.
Where is ZOIO!?
Thanx a lot!!!