**Synopsis:** Kakinouchi Takuma (Nomura Shuhei), a high school student, suffers from a heart ailment and has been in and out of hospital. He and childhood friend Taneda Mayu (Sakurai Hinako) promised that they would marry each other when they were kids. However, Takuma later learns that he will not be able to live to be 20, and decides to distance himself from Mayu so that he will not cause her grief. *(jdramas.wordpress.com)*
[Thumbnails](https://i.ibb.co/4dVMHsk/Boku-no-Hatsukoi-wo-Kimi-ni-Sasagu-2019-EP01-VIKI-WEB-DL-1080p-AAC-H-264-Rezky-Saragih-mkv-thumbs.jpg) | [Mediainfo](https://dropb.in/t/xobow)
![alt text](https://i.ibb.co/qM7HRKv/Boku-no-Hatsukoi-wo-Kimi-ni-Sasagu-2019.webp)
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