## Sources and Links ##
[Main Source](https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1274443) | [Subtitles](https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1381898) | [Uncensored Image used to Decensor the NCOP](https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1274785) | [AniDB](https://anidb.net/anime/14969) | [MediaInfo](https://pastebin.com/uM6zvUhb)
## Quick Info ##
**Video:** AV1 | 10bit | CQ39 | CPU 4
**Audio:** WavPack | 24bit 48kHz | 2.7bps & Lossless | JPN | Stereo | High x4 DNS MD5
**Subtitles:** Advanced SubStation Alpha | Astral, DmonHiro
**Pictures:** JPEG-XL | e 8 d 1
**Audio CDs:** FLAC | VCB-Studio's Untouched
**Episodes Names:** File: DmonHiro | Container Tag: AniDB
## Softwares Used ##
**Demuxed with:** mkvextract (bundled with MKVToolNix GUI)
**Video Encoder:** aomenc 3.2.0-428-g9725f60af
**Parallelized with:** av1an 0.3.1
**Audio Decoder:** flac 1.3.3
**Audio Encoder:** WavPack 5.4.0-x64
**Assembling the files with:** mkvmerge (Bundled with MKVToolNix GUI)
**Image Encoder:** cjxl v0.7.0 21da8c2
**MKVToolNix:** v65.0.0 (' Too Much' ) 64-bit
### Some Stuff ###
Finally it is here, sorry for the wait everyone. This encode was extremely hassle free, I mean, stuff just worked, the subtitles principally, and since everything was already included in the main source, things were quite easy to manage.
Now there's something that might be interesting for you: If you look inside "Extras/No Credits", you will find a file called "Opening (TV Size) (Uncensored).mkv". It is exactly what it sounds, the uncensored version of the NCOP that I uncensored myself. I mean, the image was already there, I got from KawaiikaRaws torrent page, but I did extracted every frame of the video to an individual bmp image, found and edited the relevant ones by positioning and cropping the uncensored image so it would match the censored source, and reassembled the video back again. It went from the original h265 to lossless bmp, then the whole image sequence was sent to the encoder via vapoursynth script. A bit of a brute force approach, but I think it turned out quite nicely.
Another thing is the Episode number 06. Here in my release, the episode on the main folder IS THE UNCENSORED VERSION. I did split the original video and stitched it back using the "Another World" version. The original version though is still present inside the "Extras" folder.
And one last thing, the file names. I usually name the episode files following their anidb page, but this time the names were far too long, so I named them following DmonHiro's pattern. The tags on the container though do have the full names.
I might slow down on my releases a little bit as I've been using the PC for other things, but I don't plan on stopping making encodes/releases! I do consider suggestions and I do have some other shows in mind, but they won't show up as frequently as the past couple ones.
I love this anime, and all the fuss it made when it was being released. We need more stuff like this, lol
Could absolutely had used more lolis, the only thing better than lolis are loli monster girls, but heh the content is good enough I can let it slip.
And man, I want to throw myself into a low rank Lilim tank, absolutely no regrets. Might be the only thing that can calm myself down at this point, lol
And if I pass out, what best way to kick the bucket than that? Maybe if they were lolis but still, monster girls are monster girls, demons are my favorites XD
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