[◯PMan] KEIJO!!!!!!!! (HiP WHiP GiRL) Creditless Openings & Endings (BD 1080p FLAC) :: Nyaa ISS

[◯PMan] KEIJO!!!!!!!! (HiP WHiP GiRL) Creditless Openings & Endings (BD 1080p FLAC)

2022-02-26 06:09 UTC
No information.
File size:
601.0 MiB
Info hash:
![](https://cdn-us.anidb.net/images/main/190037.jpg) BD quality is "fine". The show is razor sharp, both in lineart and noise, making it difficult to encode without bitrates spiking very heavily. However, this also makes it hard to denoise as stronger denoising must be applied to deal with the sharp noise, which can in turn kill background detail quite readily. Besides the aliasing and noise, there aren't really any other apparent issues. Filterchain includes denoising (tackling only high frequencies and nuking those, which helped prevent detail loss in the backgrounds), decsize, supersampling + eedi3 to deal with the lineart, weak chroma warping to help realign the chroma a bit in certain shots, and weak debanding. The lineart was also forcibly widened using a very weak awarpsharp with negative values. See [comp](https://slow.pics/c/XH6wALja) for how it looks. Requests are welcome, but don't count on me to follow through with yours from the get-go. A sheet with links to all my releases, as well as OP/EDs I plan on encoding, can be found [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VYJymlJMgQG36upLIT_P_evI5mUkEYnmAcg06Z0P28U/edit?usp=sharing) (not guaranteed to be up-to-date). Encoding scripts and additional stuff can be found [here](https://github.com/LightArrowsEXE/Encoding-Projects/tree/master/%5BOPMan%5D).

File list

  • [◯PMan] KEIJO!!!!!!!! Creditless Openings & Endings (BD 1080p FLAC)
    • [◯PMan] KEIJO!!!!!!!! (HiP WHiP GiRL) Creditless ED1 (BD 1080p FLAC) [B67468BA].mkv (85.1 MiB)
    • [◯PMan] KEIJO!!!!!!!! (HiP WHiP GiRL) Creditless OP1v1 (BD 1080p FLAC) [8D996B37].mkv (170.2 MiB)
    • [◯PMan] KEIJO!!!!!!!! (HiP WHiP GiRL) Creditless OP1v2 (BD 1080p FLAC) [0202B54D].mkv (170.5 MiB)
    • [◯PMan] KEIJO!!!!!!!! (HiP WHiP GiRL) Creditless OP1v3 (BD 1080p FLAC) [0791F02F].mkv (175.2 MiB)