## Rundown
Video was taken from [NanDesuKa](https://nyaa.iss.one/user/NanDesuKa?f=0&c=0_0&q=shaman+king). Collaborated with [Saint-subs](https://nyaa.iss.one/user/HighSaintz) he does the weekly translation. I made karaoke for op/ed and minor styling, ts etc. Enjoy xD
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[](https://i.ibb.co/nDWWQfL/Shaman-King-2021-S01-E28-Yoh-s-Decision-mkv-snapshot-00-44-080.png) [](https://i.ibb.co/cTFYyMP/Shaman-King-2021-S01-E48-Ever-Since-mkv-snapshot-01-57-789.png)
[](https://i.ibb.co/QrgKhcC/Shaman-King-2021-S01-E48-Ever-Since-mkv-snapshot-11-02-181.png) [](https://i.ibb.co/XF194xc/Shaman-King-2021-S01-E40-Humility-mkv-snapshot-23-09-684.png)

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File list
Shaman King (2021) - S01E48 - For Everything.mkv (488.7 MiB)
00:18 "killed met" -> "killed me"
06:29 "Fool, why warn me..." this line's timing is really off, worth taking a look at and adjusting. comes in before anyone's talking and disappears before the talking is done
07:23 "fat" -> "fact"
07:51 "his power" (referring to Opacho), earlier in this episode people were saying "her". to be honest I can't tell either way, but it should be consistent at least
08:32 "him" referring to Opacho again. I looked it up and it sounds like Opacho is a girl
19:28 "1,2500,000", that's not how you write numbers. assuming the digits are right, it should be 12,500,000. Sounds like they said "hyaku ni-juu go-man" but I'm not good with Japanese numbers that big so it's hard to think of what that should be
21:24 "To skills", something is wrong here, should maybe be "Those skills", but not sure
22:28 (ED) "Dreams i had" -> "Dreams I had" (this is at least the third time I'm pointing it out)
22:59 (ED) "The important things is in my heart" -> "The important things are in my heart"
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