Greetings once more! Apologies for the delay in releasing this one. Right after I released the 37th episode on March 8th, one of my hard drives fell and broke on March 9th. So I dedicated quite a lot of time in regards to fixing it alongside some personal matters. Thankfully none of the L&G WGP work was affected, only my seeding of them was, but I had someone else seed as well just in case so it's all good.
As of this writing, I finished the 39th episode, which I'm really looking forward to release soon as it is one of the absolute best episodes of the show in my opinion. This one's alright, I just prefer the prior and following episodes over it.
Enjoy and stay tuned for more!
Credit to SubRoro for the original subtitles,
SquareSubs for the style in addition to the intro and downscaled video source,
microkana for translation correction
and Sabera for Ending Credits translation.
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