Batch torrent with HnK’s subs for 1-21 and video files + ass for 22-43 in one convenient package.
Extras are lyrics + video files for the two music videos. These contain spoilers and also additional material happening after the events of the show. There is also a 4 page epilogue thing from the artbook.
Videos are DVDRip 1024x768 for 22-43 and hardsubbed 512x384 for 1-21. I can’t figure out how to OCR hardsubs at this time. Maybe someone else will do it at some point… Or maybe someone from HnK will come forward?
An anonymous fansubber
Comments - 3
wow the 768p looks amazing
really hope 1-21 would have the same treatment in the future
Any changes for the softsubs?
And zetsu_shoren, if you have a shit ton of patience (and I mean a SHIT ton), I might have something for you… eventually.