This torrent contains audio tracks to all the episodes included in the Perfect Collection LD box set for the 1982 Cobra TV anime, recorded by me.
Exclusive to this LD set is an extra audio track included in all episodes that contains the M&E (music & sound effects) with no dialogue—not only is it generally in higher quality compared to the show’s final mix, but these audio tracks weren’t even included in any of the show’s JP/US DVD & BD releases at all. Bummer!
Also included in the set (which you can find in this torrent as well) is the M&E to the English pilot version for Cobra.
These come in two versions:
Multi-Track—this is how it was presented on the LD. Show’s original mono mix on the left channel, and the M&E on the right channel.
M&E—self-explanatory. Copied and pasted the right channel onto the left for these ones.
FYI: do not consider this torrent to be the “ultimate” / final version of these audio tracks.
-The LDs contain digital audio. The way I went about recording these, well—it’s satisfactory enough but I didn’t record it “the true way”, the way being using equipment that allows you to capture every single “bit” or whatever. I don’t have time for that.
-I only included the M&E for the final episode here. Unfortunately I didn’t realize until the last second that the last LD in this set was rotting already, and as a result the audio tracks for the final episode aren’t in good quality. The mono mix is REALLY clicky, so I left that out. It doesn’t click as much in the M&E track but it’s still there. These sets kinda cost a lot of money, and quite frankly I can’t be bothered to purchase another set just to record one episode—would be a different story if LD sets sold very easily but sadly that is not the case. Anyone else is more than likely to get their own copy and record it though (assuming that ever happens soon…)
That’s all. Enjoy!
Comments - 1
This is ultra cool, thanks!. Works I’d like to eventually pull from LDs are Gunnm and at least episode 16 of Neon Genesis Evangelion preferably as a domesday duplicate for them but I don’t know if I’d be able to do it that way myself. I do have my old HDPVR with the optical input so I guess at least I could record the original PCM audio but first I need to fix my player or find a decent replacement again. Unless Discotek can get their hands on the film master for Gunnm, LD probably is the best unless the Japan DVD was actually good but that doesn’t seem to exist anywhere.