Associated Groups: Kawaiika-Raws, Z4ST1N\
File Size: ~990 MB @ 1080p (1920x1080)
Video Info: .mkv x265/HEVC 10-bit [Kawaiika-Raws]
Audio Track 1 (Default): Japanese 2.0 FLAC\
Subtitle Track 1 (Default): Full Subtitles [Z4ST1N/SEGGS]
Features Kawaiika's 1080p BD encode and subtitles from Z4ST1N for episodes 01-06. Base subtitles for the rest episodes are from [SubsPlease's Redo Version](https://nyaa.iss.one/view/1368870). TS'ed same as Z4ST1N's release and styles and TM'ed. Repositioned episode titles to make them consistent with the rest episodes. Made a couple changes to Z4ST1N's subs, just replacing one instance of Keyaru-sama to Keyaru and italicizing one dialogue iirc.\
I've tried to keep subtitles consistent to Z4ST1N as much as I could following same naming orders and stuff. Added various missing dialogues, fixing typos and are slightly edited. I wanted to use *skill names* as Z4ST1N used [here](https://files.catbox.moe/1c45y6.png), but again, couldn't name few abilities.\
If there are any kind of errors (which I honestly believe are) or some stuff I missed, let me know, might as well fix them since I bothered putting efforts anyway.
Ep07 02:44 B-bastard -> B-Bastard
03:04 D-don’t -> D-Don’t
03:41 K-kill -> K-Kill
04:52 get -> to get
06:57 Y-you -> Y-You
W-what -> W-What
07:11 unfortuntely -> unfortunately
S-stay -> S-Stay
W-we -> W-We
A-absurd -> A-Absurd
A-all -> A-All
14:21 do -> to do
20:31 (missing space bar)
(Ep07 says "magical beings", Ep09 says "demonic beings". Dunno if anything is actually wrong.
Ep08 03:08 (unitalicized the line)
natinonal -> national
06:30 (delete the "were")
(delete "just about")
09:04 demonc -> demonic
(The line with amongst feels a little off. Can you double check?)
09:33 (no "a")
Th-thanks -> T-Thanks
insignficant -> insignificant
delicioius -> delicious
(delete the 2nd "at least")
an instruments -> instruments
meant to -> to
are do -> do
Eve Ries -> Eve Reese
(Watch for "-" in ep08-12)
Ep09 03:30 Sex
Eve Ries -> Eve Reese
06:46 What's it's name? -> What's its name?
Ep10 one if -> one of
yousef -> yourself
enchance -> enhance
Ep11 can -> can find
percieving -> perceiving
get on -> get along
that to me -> that to kill me
Ep12 deteriotating -> deteriorating
exptected -> expected
Eve Ries -> Eve Reese
Comments - 9