This is an update to my previous Index LN batch (
Special thanks to Ultranova17 for providing me with reference documents for their formatting, and to JDMP53 for making the PDFs and helping me with the railgun epub.
-Replaced untranslated image in GT2 (both formats)
-Replaced GT5+GT6 epubs (made by me, based on Ultranova17’s formatting)
-Replaced GT5+GT6 PDFs with JDMP53’s for consistency’s sake
-Added Railgun LN (epub by me, PDF by JDMP53)
-Added content list for Apocrypha Archive, detailing which short stories it includes
Known Issues:
-Most novels should be double checked for higher quality images, and thoroughly proofread for typos* (ETA: eventually ™)
-GT5 and GT6 epubs are missing the “♦” symbol between some scene changes (ETA: Next update)
-Railgun is missing typesetting (ETA: No clue, hopefully soon)
*If you find any typos, please let me know in the torrent comments or on Reddit (u/MarioLuigi0404)
Comments - 6
thank you
Thanks ! Are you interested in uploading other fan translated LNs like date a live?
MarioLuigi0404 (uploader)
@katharsis_3173 I don’t have any explicit plans to at the moment. I’m only doing the Index batches because Ultranova17 disappeared and I was unsatisfied with the new epubs compared to his, so I wanted to be able to add my own for the newer books.
That said, if I start reading more fan translated series and find that the epub quality isn’t to my liking, I might just have to do something about it. (I don’t care for PDFs though, so I probably would only do epub batches)
Hi I can’t seem to get to work the index OT vol 6 with any of my ePub reader apps, is there a problem with some ePub’s? I rechecked the download several times, downloaded both on an Android client in my phone and on PC client and still no luck
EDIT: In the meantime in case anyone is experiencing the same issue, replace the faulty ePub’s with the ones from the mega mirror in r/toarumajutsunoindex
MarioLuigi0404 (uploader)
OT6 should work but I’ll swap it out in the next batch update just in case. If anyone has similar issues with any other epubs, leave a comment.