[SlyFox] Summertime Rendering (Summer Time Render) [Batch] :: Nyaa ISS

[SlyFox] Summertime Rendering (Summer Time Render) [Batch]

2022-10-23 21:57 UTC
No information.
File size:
21.3 GiB
Info hash:
Complete series batch. First cour (01-12) remains unchanged from the first cour batch. Second cour (13-25) has some fixes made and includes typesetting from Commie. This project was done so some friends could watch it since reputable OTL groups seemed to be too afraid to even pick up this series (it would've ended up being stalled anyway), piss Disney off, and to see how far it could be taken with the manga script as a base. I didn't think subbing the entire show like this would be possible, especially after real-life obligations became a thing, but here it is. The anime was almost a complete 1:1 adaptation of the manga with most of episode 25 being the exception. The finale wouldn't have been possible without an anonymous TL to help out, so thanks to them. EDIT: There is a 3-liner that slipped through the cracks in 17 at 20:16. [Here](https://files.catbox.moe/hf25cj.ass) is a link to the subtitle file that fixes this. Just rename the file to "[SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 17v2 [535E9C06].ass" and place it in the same directory as the episode so your player will load it automatically.

File list

  • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering [Batch]
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 01v2 [AD6AA2F1].mkv (1013.1 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 02v3 [5B322B47].mkv (901.7 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 03v2 [F0060A74].mkv (752.2 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 04v3 [9D914825].mkv (945.1 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 05v3 [22C97340].mkv (924.0 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 06v2 [18D6F2B2].mkv (799.5 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 07v2 [114987B5].mkv (841.0 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 08v2 [C2A21B96].mkv (831.2 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 09v2 [27623593].mkv (837.6 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 10v2 [45FE45C3].mkv (846.6 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 11v2 [B92FAC7F].mkv (791.7 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 12v2 [C5A358E1].mkv (863.9 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 13v2 [C9A98710].mkv (1.0 GiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 14v2 [82A8359F].mkv (765.3 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 15v2 [E2F58749].mkv (945.3 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 16v2 [C7F7DE75].mkv (700.5 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 17v2 [535E9C06].mkv (801.5 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 18v2 [3DF215DC].mkv (816.3 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 19v2 [C02E8C0C].mkv (829.2 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 20 [AC21B9F8].mkv (890.8 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 21v2 [E6DBD565].mkv (916.2 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 22v2 [DDD8A1B0].mkv (912.2 MiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 23 [70B7A7C0].mkv (1.0 GiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 24v2 [81FAA875].mkv (1.0 GiB)
    • [SlyFox] Summertime Rendering - 25v2 [D91A3413].mkv (741.3 MiB)
>[The anime was almost a complete 1:1 adaptation of the manga with most of episode 25 being the exception. ](https://youtu.be/V693Djjw_hA?t=53)
Thanks Anonymous uploader!
thank you mr.fox
Your work is excellent and I thank you for it. However, claiming that it was a 1:1 adaptation of the manga is staggeringly inaccurate. A number of scenes have been removed, some minor, others not, including most of the scenes that give Tetsu actual characterisation (such as it is). Others have been moved around. Also, while strictly speaking paratext rather than text, the manga bonuses answered a lot of questions about Shadows that the main story failed to fit in. It's a shame they couldn't do those as post-credits bonuses or *something*.
In hindsight this anime was kinda stupid. thanks as always tho


> The anime was **almost** reading is hard, don't worry buddy, keep it up and I'm sure they'll let you move up to 6th grade in a couple years :)
imagine someone actually caring about Tetsu https://media.tenor.com/xCc58fEqFREAAAAd/nerd-nerdy.gif
I wish Luxury was here, thanks sly
thanks slyfox!! of the best anime of all type!
In memoriam of Luxury AKA Daddy rest in piss, forever miss
Definitely wasn't a 1:1 adaptation, but I liked it more than the manga, anyway. Thanks a lot, it was a pleasure.
Rest in Piss Daddy
What's about video quality from Commie vs Slayfox?
Been waiting for batch. Thanks.
thank you herkz very cool
The last episodes were underwhelming as heck but the first 3/4 part was damn solid.
thanks herkz (SlyFox) and torn (anon TL for EP25)
Budget Higurashi strikes again. Thanks Luxury.
made possible by Luxury's effort thanks
Thanks to everyone involved on this project!


I appreciate the effort, I really do, but the lazy translation of country slang made it very tedious to watch and took me out of my immersion several times. It's clear the translators don't live around english-speaking "country bumpkins" and they mostly used "ya" and "yer" as replacement for real country drawl. Which, as someone who grew up around families and friends who speak this way (my own family did not as we were transplants), it's very difficult to repeatedly read over and over. It would be like someone over-localizing to "yoos guys" EVERY time a yakuza member said "minna." Not every mobster talks like a high school dropout and not everyone from the country sounds like a farmer who quit school in 6th grade to help his maw and paw. Another comparison would be the roleplayers who try to use early modern english (King James/Shakespearean) without being deeply familiar with it - constantly mixing up thy/thine or thee/thou and using them interchangeably when they are not, making it sound hilarious to someone who is well-studied in the dialect. Professional subtitle translators tend to avoid over-use of country slang even if the source language is full of it, because it becomes very tiring to read after a while. Fan translators would do well to adopt the practice of reducing the amount of drawl they try to put in their subtitles, unless they are deeply familiar with the cadence and exactly how much it gets used in different situations.
Episode 17 - 1:26 very slight capitalization mistake