Youjo Senki / The Saga of Tanya the Evil v01-11 [Yen Press] [LuCaZ] :: Nyaa ISS

Youjo Senki / The Saga of Tanya the Evil v01-11 [Yen Press] [LuCaZ]

2022-12-20 04:26
File size:
220.5 MiB
Info hash:

File list

  • The Saga of Tanya the Evil [Yen Press] [LuCaZ]
    • The Saga of Tanya the Evil v01 - Deus lo Vult [Yen Press] [LuCaZ] {r2}.epub (14.0 MiB)
    • The Saga of Tanya the Evil v02 - Plus Ultra [Yen Press] [LuCaZ] {r2}.epub (26.1 MiB)
    • The Saga of Tanya the Evil v03 - The Finest Hour [Yen Press] [LuCaZ] {r2}.epub (18.9 MiB)
    • The Saga of Tanya the Evil v04 - Dabit Deus His Quoque Finem [Yen Press] [LuCaZ] {r2}.epub (14.9 MiB)
    • The Saga of Tanya the Evil v05 - Abyssus Abyssum Invocat [Yen Press] [LuCaZ] {r2}.epub (21.0 MiB)
    • The Saga of Tanya the Evil v06 - Nil Admirari [Yen Press] [LuCaZ] {r2}.epub (21.7 MiB)
    • The Saga of Tanya the Evil v07 - Ut Sementem Feceris, ita Metes [Yen Press] [LuCaZ] {r2}.epub (20.3 MiB)
    • The Saga of Tanya the Evil v08 - In Omnia Paratus [Yen Press] [LuCaZ] {r2}.epub (19.1 MiB)
    • The Saga of Tanya the Evil v09 - Omnes una Manet Nox [Yen Press] [LuCaZ] {r2}.epub (20.0 MiB)
    • The Saga of Tanya the Evil v10 - Viribus Unitis [Yen Press] [LuCaZ] {r2}.epub (21.8 MiB)
    • The Saga of Tanya the Evil v11 - Alea Iacta Est [Yen Press] [LuCaZ].epub (22.7 MiB)

For people who can’t see the cover when uploading Vol 3 into a reader, just edit cover.xhtml and remove the entire section: <span style=“display: none”>cover</span>

Thanks for the upload!
I heard Yen Press censored illustrations on the LN. Do we get uncensored illustrations with these fixes? Or is a completely different issue?