[SubsPlease] NieR Automata Ver1.1a - 04 (1080p) [AD032B45].mkv :: Nyaa ISS

[SubsPlease] NieR Automata Ver1.1a - 04 (1080p) [AD032B45].mkv

2023-02-18 17:32
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1.3 GiB
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  • [SubsPlease] NieR Automata Ver1.1a - 04 (1080p) [AD032B45].mkv (1.3 GiB)

I really REALLY hope this doesn’t get any more delays

100% sure this will get delayed again in like a month lol
ep 4 wasn’t even finished just a week ago

It’s true. Mat and I are working on Nier’s later episodes as we speak.

they skipped the part where 2b gets lost in the amusement park trying to find the boss room

Well they skipped a large portion of the game’s adventure upto the desert point. The game was pretty desolate with enemies on the map. I guess most of the time is spent in game exploring, pressing 2 analogue sticks together, fapping, and then getting back to the game lol. This should of been ecchi anime to be honest lol. They could of had scenes on the ship not found in game, they could make up scenes on the planet, it doesn’t have to follow the game to the letter, it can be like what FF7 remake did with the storyline. Change !

kind of agree with above. I’d rather they do like an original YorHa story or perhaps A2’s story before the events of the game, literally anything.

Thank you! I love cute suffering androids.

Also I forgot to mention, can’t edit my post above so I’ll say it here, the problem with this anime is they are moving on to quickly as well to the next scene, the amusement park was only a few minutes total in game it was actually perhaps over 1 hour when I played because I went around the town talking to everytrhing and exploring, in the anime it seems like skipping all that and not listening to the whole song as well just kinda is lame don’t you think?

Yeah It really should have been a unique storyline like a reboot of the game but in anime form, and with the ability to change the whole storyline into something that is more anime worthy. This anime is just so so so boring lol. I absolutely love the visuals and the music though great artwork, character designs colours and voices as well is a good job well done, but man it is SOOOOOOOOOOOO BORING lol. about as boring as The Nintendo switch version of the game lol.