Batch of all One Piece episodes featuring the opening One Day.
Track | Description | Source |
Video (459-491) | 29.970fps; NetflixJP encode | df68 |
Video (492 Toriko Special) | 23.976fps; CR rip | Intervención |
Audio (459-491) | EAC3 2.0 | df68 |
Audio (492 Toriko Special) | AAC 2.0; CR rip | Intervención |
Subtitles (OP) | edited yibis, styled and timed to the Japanese hardsubs | yibis |
Subtitles (Episode) | CR sushi’d, styled, edited*, rudementary TS and any issues I noticed while watching fixed up | CR rip from Intervención |
*Made very minor terminology changes but for the most part I just fixed up any lines that were particularly bad in the original, redid line breaks, split two speaker lines and fixed any capitalisation weirdness or other quirks from the CR/Toei subs.
For the last couple episodes I actually started editing some more because of how bad it got. A good chunk of it is just from the manga or yibis in parts or just straight up wholesale.
All in all it’s still pretty rough, but it should still be the best way to watch these episodes for now.
As for the terminology changes (that I remember):
CR/Toei | This Release | Explanation |
Portgaz | Portgas | |
“Red-Haired” | Red Hair | I only left Red-Haired when they’re referring to him as “Red-Haired Shanks” since I thought anything else sounded kinda weird |
old buddy | old man | allied pirates referring to Whitebeard, pretty self explanatory |
good old man | old chap | Jimbei refers to Whitebeard differently than everyone else, this is the best I could come up with |
revolutionaries Army | Revolutionary Army |
Didn’t touch the timing beyond making sure lines don’t overlap due to sushi weirdness but it should be alright for most episodes.
The Toriko Special I basically didn’t touch at all beyond styling, as well as timing the opening and credits. Just thought I’d include it for completion’s sake
Comments - 18
Kuro_6804 (uploader)
Had to remake the torrent because the drive it was on kept freaking out for no reason.
Checksums kept changing, qBittorrent randomly rechecked and I couldn’t get 100% anymore.
Moved it to a different drive for now and redid all the checksums, although they seem to be the same.
Hopefully nothing stupid happens again.
This comes timely. Took a sneak peak and it looks pretty nice.
I released a bunch of edited subs about three weeks ago I fully edited up to 459 by now - and partially edited afterwards.
Currently I am very busy, but whenever I find time, I fix errors in the subs I already did but had no time to check previously.
Is it okay if I modify your subs further?
I had the Opening already done as well:
Kuro_6804 (uploader)
Feel free to do with them as you like.
If you’re gonna fix them up further I already noticed something I missed in 480 at 17:57.
Was comparing 3D2Y’s translation to Marineford’s and noticed Luffy calls Mr. Three “San” twice in the Toei/CR subs and I only corrected the first instance.
For whatever reason 3D2Y calls him San as well even though it was translated as Three back in Impel Down, not to mention that it just makes way more sense in the first place.
Thanks :)
Not that I can do much about the translation, my edits were more about restyling, adding missing signs and fixing broken stuff and adding chapters.
( 433-458 were also always slightly async to my edits … )
Also wasn’t sure about the subs translating okama as queer, so I left it as that. Official subs vary a lot.
Will keep ep480 at 17:57 in mind. But yeah it will take time before I get there.
467 onwards always had a war map for this arc. Only Yibis translated those, I am tempted to add a simple version from Yibis to it.
452-456 also had always crackling sound in all web-releases, so switched to HDTV for that personally.
Episode 464 has a video corruption at 14m 25s.
Is that just on my end or in the source as well?
df68’s version doesn’t have it.
Kuro_6804 (uploader)
Probably happened when my drive freaked out when I initially tried to upload this.
It’s not in my unmuxed video file, but my muxed one has it as well.
Ah damn, a shame. Oh well, at least it is only the intermission scene so you won’t miss anything.
btw, do you plan to do more One Piece batches?
Kuro_6804 (uploader)
Planning to do more extensive batches like this until the VFR run ends. So up to 686—excluding Post-War/Fight Together. (for now)
After that? Who knows. That’s already a pretty big task even if the translation gets markedly better at Fishman Island. So I won’t have to do much editing.
Planning to try and match HatSubs terminology from now on, so I’ll definitely do a v2 of this batch as well.
Already started matching terminology in the whole pre-timeskip run as well, but who knows if I’ll ever releases batches for that. At most those would be just terminology changes and some restyling.
Though I did rip all the episodes that have the wrong opening on CR from Funi if I do end up doing that.
Hmm, I think 575 onward Judas BD release would be a better choice.
Not that I want to dictate to you what source to use,
but I think despite being a mini encode the overall quality is better than df68
and will in the future be compatible with all other BD-releases.
Matching HatSubs terminology sounds good to me :)
If you are interested I edited many OP-episodes.
Just if you see any benefit in it.
It was always a rushed project, so the backend can be messy.
Not sure if that would make your work easier or harder.
001-432 I am confident is at least decent which I fully edited.
433-458 are okay, fine timing isn’t there but I added missing signs.
459-491 I switched to your release.
~ 493onwards & Fishman Island I just did a font swap and moved signs around
~ Dressrosa looks fully compatible with Yibis Subs
~ Whole Cake Island I made edits of various quality - some basic, some full extensive edits.
~ Wano I fully edited 890-907, most of which is based on leorio1009.
Sometimes I add additional fixes in the comments.
I finished my edit of your release for episode 459-465 if you want to take a look what I did:
Not sure if you like it, maybe I made it worse for your taste, but it is as good as I can go with the little time I have left.
Here are my edits:
I also used HatSubs Main Font as my main font.
My edit of your release here will be my last since I wanted to stop there anyway.
Anything after that will maybe be just quick fixes if something is still broken or missing.
Anyway, I hope I didn’t waste your time and thanks for all the work :) !
Kuro_6804 (uploader)
I’ll definitely check if I can use anything from your subs.
For 579-743 I’m planning to use SOFCJ for my video, the only real problem would be Whole Cake Island and Wano, but that’s still ways away anyways.
Okay cool :)
If you use SOFCJ BD its definitely great,
just thinking since Judas currently has 575-1023 on BD
subs can be timed to that and should be compatible with any other BD release.
Unless I am wrong about that theory.
Okay, I completed my edits for 459-491. Didn’t touch the Toriko Special though.
Also fonts I used for those episodes:
( Those are available in my torrent as well though )
Not sure if you like my changes, but I styled it mostly like I did in my previous edits.
I added subs to the warmap in the recap for episode 467 & 468,
but I stopped after that since it is a looot of work,
it will never look good without motion capture
and it is only in the recap that most skip on a rewatch anyway.
But I added some additional signs in a few episode which I took from Yibis.
Sadly I noticed some more episodes with visual glitches:
all I noticed: 464,480,481,482,484,490
Thanks for the great edit :), I could never go that precise.
Kuro_6804 (uploader)
I re-ripped all the video from df68, so hopefully the video corruption should be gone in the v2.
Working on We Go rn tho, which is like 80 episodes, so that v2 probably won’t come for a while.
If you got any programmes that can find video corruption without me having to go through every single episode again. Please send those my way.
Tried this, which uses ffmpeg, but that actually didn’t find an instance in Fishman Island I noticed today.
Sadly I don’t know tools like this, in the end I am only happy if I watched the versions I have no matter what.
I have fully edited “We Go” for episode 575-578 but for BD if that helps. But yeah based on the existing one by df68.
A full nice edit by you for Fishman Island sounds neat, looking forward to it.
Not episodes you are currently editing, but I noticed df68’s episode episode 498, 502 & 504 had small video errors:
One Piece - 498 - df68.v2___~22m_14s_error
One Piece - 502 - df68.v2___~21m_26s_error
One Piece - 504 - df68.v2___~21m_48s_error
Just a millisecond, a short flash of a wrong frame.
df68’s Fishman Island very likely doesn’t have that issue since it is another batch of encodes where he didn’t replace the Opening.
But just in case you plan to edit those older episodes as well it might be good to know that there errors.
Personally I decided to switch to HorribleSubs/CrunchyRips for episode 517-574, because I am bit tired of the minor issues df68 had.
HorribleSubs/CrunchyRips 517 have all the original Openings after all. But df68 is still great for the episodes where he restored the original openings.
Kuro_6804 (uploader)
if I had access to the original NetflixJP and AmazonJP rips I’d definitely just use those but considering that darkfire is the only 30fps source on nyaa for those episode Imma still stick with that
Yeah, it is good to hear that you will keep making your good edit for it.
CrunchyRip definitely has notably weaker frame rate. Some scenes do have a stutter effect.
Kuro_6804 (uploader)
currently doing some smaller work on older episodes so I don’t burn out, but Fishman Island will come eventually™