In their teenage years, few things can hurt people more than the heartaches that come with unrequited love. Such is the case for Natsuo Fujii, who has found himself entranced by his school’s ever-cheerful teacher Hina. Deflated by this unreachable desire, Natsuo humors his friends and attends a mixer. There he meets Rui, a girl whose lack of excitement rivals that of himself. After bonding over their mutual awkwardness, Rui takes Natsuo to her house and asks him to have sex with her, hoping that the experience will stop her friends from treating her like a clueless child. With his hopeless feelings towards Hina still on his mind, Natsuo hesitantly agrees.
Encoder: [DmonHiro]
Subs: Cleo
Audio: [DmonHiro] and Cleo
Uploader’s Notes: It’s mehsubs because you know… meh. Mux DmonHito release with Cleo’s audio and subs Added CRC32.
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