[Nemuri] Kaijū no Kodomo 海獣の子供 (2019) (Children of the Sea) Discography / Collection [2 CDs] [FLAC] :: Nyaa ISS

[Nemuri] Kaijū no Kodomo 海獣の子供 (2019) (Children of the Sea) Discography / Collection [2 CDs] [FLAC]

2023-09-11 16:39 UTC
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File size:
251.0 MiB
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[Nemuri] Kaijū no Kodomo 海獣の子供 (2019) (Children of the Sea) Discography / Collection [2 CDs] [FLAC] ***Every of my torrent comes from original CDs that I have bought or that my friends lent me. As for the ones that are only digitally released, you’ll find them cataloged exactly like the ones I purchased physically. If you check my torrents and you don’t find an artist or anime you are looking for, it means that nether I or my friends currently have those CDs; for this reason I don’t create discographies on commission, I’m sorry. If you find any errors or oversights, please let me know; they will be corrected at the next torrent’s update. Thank you for your collaboration.*** Ver. [2023.09.11] - [2019.06.03] 海獣の子供|海の幽霊 ~Theme Song~ - [2019.06.05] 海獣の子供|オリジナル・サウンドトラック NOTE: In the comments section of each file I wrote “Ripped by Nemuri & Menelkir” because all of the collections I upload are created together with Menelkir (which was also the name of our old NYAA account before the site suddenly closed in 2017). Even today you can find here some torrents signed [Menelkir]; however, those torrents are managed by NYAA itself, and are obsolete versions without seeds. If you want to contact me: [email protected]

File list

  • [Nemuri] Kaijū no Kodomo 海獣の子供 (2019) [FLAC]
    • [2019.06.03] 海獣の子供|海の幽霊 ~Theme Song~
      • 01. 海の幽霊.flac (22.7 MiB)
      • cover.jpg (134.4 KiB)
    • [2019.06.05] 海獣の子供|オリジナル・サウンドトラック
      • 01. ソング.flac (11.7 MiB)
      • 02. 孤独な世界.flac (3.9 MiB)
      • 03. ひとりぼっちの夏休み.flac (11.6 MiB)
      • 04. 海と琉花.flac (8.2 MiB)
      • 05. 海.flac (11.0 MiB)
      • 06. 海に連れられて.flac (6.1 MiB)
      • 07. 宇宙の記憶.flac (5.1 MiB)
      • 08. 星の歌 ~ケーナ Version~.flac (4.2 MiB)
      • 09. 出航.flac (10.4 MiB)
      • 10. ジンベエザメ.flac (9.2 MiB)
      • 11. 嵐の中のふたり.flac (17.5 MiB)
      • 12. 星の歌 ~シンセサイザー Version~.flac (6.8 MiB)
      • 13. 海と琉花 ~出会い~.flac (4.6 MiB)
      • 14. 光る夜の海へ.flac (6.3 MiB)
      • 15. 空との別れ.flac (14.5 MiB)
      • 16. 星の消滅.flac (4.3 MiB)
      • 17. 星の歌 ~ケーナ & ムックリ Version~.flac (7.7 MiB)
      • 18. 宇宙の誕生.flac (17.7 MiB)
      • 19. 生命の理由.flac (6.2 MiB)
      • 20. 生命の繋がり.flac (11.2 MiB)
      • 21. 生命の源.flac (9.4 MiB)
      • 22. 星の歌.flac (7.7 MiB)
      • 23. 海との別れ.flac (17.4 MiB)
      • 24. 私の夏の物語.flac (12.7 MiB)
      • 25. エピローグ.flac (2.7 MiB)
      • cover.jpg (102.7 KiB)