[Kinoworm] Ascendance of a Bookworm P01v01-P05v06 + Fanbook v01-v03 + Royal Academy Stories First Year v01 + Short Story Collection v01 (J-Novel Club) (Premium)
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### Update
- Added P5v06 Premium from AnimationBytings
### Notes
Took me a bit longer because Goodreads had the [wrong description for P5v05](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/195022447-ascendance-of-a-bookworm) which means so did the one included in previous release. Fixed it.
Didn't help that the latest calibre has a bug where it shows all the dates wrong and had me panicking and rechecking stuff. Fortunately, you can check the correct date with `ebook-meta`.
### Bonus
Volume 3 of the Kinoworm saga
Are those recent versions where spelling and everything is fixed already or are those older versions? Sorry if there is a way to tell I just don't know it and really appreciate the upload by the way thank you!
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