[zerocool] nostalgic pokemon dvds movies 1-3 :: Nyaa ISS

[zerocool] nostalgic pokemon dvds movies 1-3

2023-12-19 22:31
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9.4 GiB
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Is it the best video quality? No, the bluray is higher res and didn’t crop out the sides. Is it the best audio quality? No, thats way too complicated to get into here. Is it perfect? No. Then what is it? Nostalgic. The warmth and love you felt watching this DVD video as a kid can only be relieved watching this version not the new one. And that’s ok. Especially this time of year being around family that comfort can be what keeps you going. Yeah back before you realized you were a failure at life when you’re parents had a a reason to be proud of you because of your 3.5gpa. back when you where what was being bragged about. not your brother with his masters degree in computer technology with his happy house wife pregnant with their 4th son. Not your cousin who has a success only fans page and only has to work 4 hours a week taking pics of her asshole and still makes 80k a year. Not your other cousin with his kick ass union job and gay lover/house husband. Not your uncle that is actually younger than you becuaw your grandpa had with him with his second wife and has since come out as a trans woman and has a successful YouTube channel talking about the wonders of gender reassignment surgury. This nostalgia will take you back to when you were the big man on campus/hot girl on campus. Back when you had ambition and goals, before you got fired from the grocery store and fell into a depression that only lets you leave your room at dads house long enough to bathe once a month. Before the neck beard/leg beard phase of your life began.

So come my friend, enjoy a little happiness before life bends you over and fucks your asshole, like it is the asshole of a freshman sorority pledge on the last night of hazing at a frat party. Begging for mercy screaming in pain only for her cries and tears to fall on deaf ears. Until they are so annoyed by the noise they put a gag in her mouth and choke her out with a belt around the neck. Leaving just enough air not to kill her as every frat brother takes a turn or five with her asshole. Then leaving her in a puddle of cum, blood. and shit crying for her mom to come save her. knowing she never will, and nothing will ever be like the before times again.

Now just rest here for a moment with some happy movies before going back to the real world. Maybe grab some hot cocoa, and remember, it’s only ok to cry if it is not your fault.

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can’t believe you fell for the bait, mane

so you just uploaded this just to feel nostalgic and bait people to give you attention?
Don’t you think that is a bit selfish?
I am sure people are going to attack you for the quality and such and seems you were oddly prepared for that but you sound pretty antisocial and want people to acknowledge your nostalgia and profanity-filled crazy ranting.

I grew up with the Japanese versions of these which are uncut unlike many “kids” you speak of.

“enjoy a little happiness before life bends you over and fucks your asshole, like it is the asshole of a freshman sorority pledge on the last night of hazing at a frat party. Begging for mercy screaming in pain only for her cries and tears to fall on deaf ears…”
^ Complete and utter attention-seeking cringe.
You have issues and I can’t believe you typed all that. Seems more like you are baiting/venting(?)/trolling with this.

Man has never clicked on a PeePeePooPoo69 torrent

2nd comment is golden

I wasn’t expecting to see ‘pokemon’ and ‘my uncle is a popular youtube tranny’ used in the same sentence, but current year can be weirder than any mango or animu. I’ll grab my Burger King Pokeball with the gold MewTwo card in it and get drunk watching this while waiting for the end of days. Thanks, PissCaca13!

Thanks, love some Pokemon.
Good to see you’re still around, was missing your torrents :)

I didn’t know it was PeePeePooPoo69 be funny day! :*( You’ll get em next year, don’t worry.