marina84 are you having any trouble with the file? it works fine for me, though i play on an emulator and don’t own a switch so i don’t know about real hardware if there is any difference. i’m pretty sure a nsp cannot give your computer a virus just by running it on an emulator though afaik if that’s what you’re worried about ^^
Comments - 3
Thank you so much!!!
Can someone test this please and verify that it works/doesn’t have a virus? Thank you.
yumemitai (uploader)
marina84 are you having any trouble with the file? it works fine for me, though i play on an emulator and don’t own a switch so i don’t know about real hardware if there is any difference. i’m pretty sure a nsp cannot give your computer a virus just by running it on an emulator though afaik if that’s what you’re worried about ^^