宝鐘マリン 1stアルバム ー「Ahoy!! キミたちみんなパイレーツ♡」 数量限定盤
Houshou Marine 1st Album - Ahoy!! You’re All Pirates♡
FLAC 44kHz/16bit - CD

follow the link for 3038 x 3000 (!!!) artwork
I didn’t scan the big foldout poster. Or anything really.
- The poster doesn’t fit in my flatbed
- I don’t want to deal with people complaining about a set of JPEG-XL scans
- How exactly does one scan an acrylic stand?
- The key art is just chilling there on the website at 2916 x 3330 and is worth more than anything I’d scan

Go buy the album if you want them. I just wanted to see the Unison MV without the YouTube crust.
I’m missing the funni tool that outputs the MD5 chart I usually stick here

The track labels in the EAC log are wrong IDK deal with it. The files are tagged correctly.
- βøøδ

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