This is my first torrent. It's my personal Kai release for watching with a friend once. I'm uploading this because every release of Kai (JPBD) on here has some filter that makes it look like shit. I used DBD-Raws for the footage, and muxed in the audio tracks from the Blu-Ray. I also included the Faulconer rescore by Diccolo since it's the one of the more well known Kai projects. I did chapters for each episode, and included any kind of subtitle format. There are also some extras from DBD's release. I watched this once through months ago, so let me know if there are any errors.
# V2 EPISODES with fixed errors on Google Drive below:
Update 11/3/24: Any V2 episodes with error fixes will be uploaded on a drive with better ASS subs and a Songs/Signs track `aHR0cHM6Ly90aW55dXJsLmNvbS9kYmthaXYyLWVwaXNvZGU=` (Decode with Base64).
| Video Track | Episodes | Info|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
|JPBD [DBD-Raws]| 1-98 | 1440x1080 HEVC 10bit|
| Audio Track |Episodes| Info|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| Japanese w/ Yamamoto Score | 1-95 | 2.0 Stereo AAC |
| Japanese w/ Kikuchi Score | 1-98 | 2.0 Stereo FLAC |
| English w/ Yamamoto Score | 1-52 | 5.1 Surround AAC |
| English w/ Kikuchi Score | 1-98 | 5.1 Surround AC-3 |
| English w/ Yamamoto Revival [SuperSaiyanHedgehog] | 53-98 | 2.0 Stereo AAC |
| English w/ Faulconer Rescore [Diccolo-420] | 1-98 | 2.0 Stereo AC-3 |
| Subtitle Track |Episodes| Info|
| ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
| English (Simmons) | 1-98 | PGS |
| English (Simmons) [Anime Time]| 1-98| ASS |
| English (Simmons) | 1-98 | SRT |
## Chapters:
4.Title Card
5.Part A
7.Part B

hello my friend what a very beautiful magnical project I loved congratulations I hope you bring the dbkai saga buu-han thanks my friend for sharing, I would like to ask where I could find these same subtitles you use in your project I was looking for them Subtitles for the Dbkai Buu-Hen Saga
@Ronapa Since TFC looks better than Boo Kai, I don't see much reason to finish it. The only reason it's even worth watching over TFC are the catchier OP and EDs.
These subs came from the the USBD. If you want subs for Japanese Kai 2014(159 Episodes), I'd recommend finding Hatsuyuki's fansubs.They're really only needed for Episode 99-106, after that you can use the official subs from The Final Chapters(167 Episodes).
Comments - 7