whateverresolutionthelettererdecidedtoexportas native rips obtained directly from K Manga.
Spreads joined, otherwise untouched. Rips from Aquila taken from their MEGA folder.
General info:
- Batches are uploaded on Tuesday evening except for weeks when a Witch Hat Atelier chapter releases, then the upload is on Wednesday.
- For some series the title is so long that it exceeds the maximum path length, in this case (folder) names will be truncated. (Example: the folder name for “I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability” is simply “I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince.”)
- Previous batches can be found here.
- To search batches, use google with the following string: “site:nyaa.iss.one weekly k manga {search query}”.
- For any questions or suggestions, leave a comment or message me on Discord.
Comments - 6
thank you
Thanks Rillant! You forgot The Classroom of a Black Cat and a Witch 73.
Rillant (uploader)
@faratnis Whoops, I was kinda rushing this one out. I’ll include it next week.
Thank you!