Plot Summary......: After the second impact, all that remains of Japan is Tokyo-3, a city that's being attacked by giant creatures that seek to eradicate the human kind, called Angels. After not seeing his father for more than eight years, Shinji Ikari receives a phone call, in which he is told to urgently come to the NERV Headquarters, an organization that deals with the destruction of the Angels through the use of giant mechs called Evas.Shinji's objective is to pilot the Eva Unit 01, while teaming up with the Eva Unit 00 pilot, Ayanami Rei.
[ANN](http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=8420) | [AniDB](http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=4847) | [IMDb](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0923811/)
Source............: King Records 2009 JP RA BD50 / Funimation 2010 US RA BD50
Resolution........: 1916x1076
Aspect Ratio......: 16:9
Framerate.........: 23.976
Interlace.........: Progressive
Video Language....: Japanese
Video Codec.......: h.264
Video Bitrate.....: 3920 Kbps (CRF 20)
Audio Language....: Japanese, English
Audio Codec.......: FLAC 6.1
Audio Bitrate.....: 1853 Kbps, 4072 Kbps (Lossless)
Subtitles.........: English Subs, Signs
Subtitle Format...: ASS
Complete..........: Movie
Length............: 1 hr, 40 min
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