@Mr_Kimiko you are rude af and probably just did this for the usual uploader "thanks!" attention
I said someone not YOU
how narcissistic can you get?
but this is nothing new even for free pirated stuff
weebs being second highest in assholery
I always have people ask "can someone make a encode/hevc/mini encode" of my DVD ISOs & BDMVs. I'm pissed about it.
FUCK Mini encodes & HEVC!!!! (Both are the same to me.)
*Note this is a joke.
cuz people think I add bloat to my encodes when they are smaller then the raw video on the .m2ts file. (I encode from JP.BDMVs with untouched Audio from both US & JP BDMVs.)
People take my encodes and re-encodes them cuz they think they are BD-Remuxes. (FYI this is not a joke.)
Fuck "re-encodes", I second that motion! I've had quite a few buttfucks ask me for "smaller sizes" when I upload bdremuxs and I tell them to get fucked. Take what I give you or go eat shit and die, I don't give a goddamn either way.
FUCK Mini encodes & HEVC!!! (Both are the same to me.) "brain damage detected" Maybe your brain is damaged-not everybody likes desecrated video and audio in things they watch.
After all the flack certain morons like to give uploaders here it's a wonder why they would still do it? Anyway, Mr_Kimiko I'd like to thank you for all the things that you upload even if others don't appreciate it.
You're welcome. I try my best. I get so much shit for it. Even if most people don't see it. I delete it cuz I don't want to see it or keep re-reading it. Trust me I do re-read the shit I get for my uploads. (DVD ISOs, BDMVs, & encodes) I take it all to heart cuz....
Comments - 12
Mr_Kimiko (uploader)
Mr_Kimiko (uploader)
Mr_Kimiko (uploader)