#### Your weekly Fantasy Isekai release from JNC has landed, glory to the saint of Ehrenfest ! May the princess escape Guillotine-sama.
Torrent by Prepub-Anon, espect our weekly release batch every weekend. I publish only the LN Prepub. For any Manga, find a way to rip it and we would include it. I won't be doing Nina either unless it expension in the near future's worth it.
[DDL 1ficher](https://1fichier.com/?dcc1ztjbjr48fnhtunk7 "DDL 1fichier")
Hello everynyaa, how are you today ? I know, I know, I am kinda late, it's already sunday. I was totally about to forget until I was almost asleep last night. Last week, someone asked in the comment how I knew about the geoblocking. I normally hang in the discord of JNC. Some staff did mention it essentially.
More LN update, we are having a massive meltdown of publisher in the industry with the current economical crash. JNC decided to quit Nina French's localisation last week (like I mentioned). The fact i- have not seen any french LN has pirate copy anywhere online's proof that nobody's buying, so nobody's pirating it either. Sadly, LaNovel which had the Bookworm license in french had bankrupted last month, leading to the best license to make money being lost for French translation. If JNC's owner had purchased LaNovel and started prepubing newer Bookworm, maybe Nina French would not had been a flop. Meanwhile, Monogatari's into a lawsuit with BLoved. They might be going under one day. They are also allegation of using MLT for their translation. I heard also another spanish publisher was about to go under too, so if you have holiday money, please support the industry before it collapse. Well, not like I expect user of this website to have the money to support them in the end or be willing to doing so, lol.
Well, enjoy the release. Next Week, we are gonna have it reset. Happy new year.
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