Filtering includes:
Typically*, cropping the black borders on both sides is followed by resizing the video to either 640x480 or 768x576 to maintain a 4:3 aspect ratio. In this case, however, the video (704x480) was encoded with a Sample Aspect Ratio (SAR)
of 10:11, which was passed on to the AVC encoder. This resulted in the video being stretched to 704x528 (1.33:1 or 4:3) during playback. Despite this, the video remained slightly horizontally stretched. To correct the issue, the output Display Aspect Ratio (DAR)
in the .mkv container was set to a value of 1.303703. The final result is the displayed image being identical to the original source before cropping, with no added horizontal or vertical stretching.
Recommended media player: MPV
Source: Essential Anime Collection (R1)
Comments - 2
You had it right the first time. When there is a 16 pixel border, the 704px image is 4:3, and this is how DVD players (old ones with analog outputs, not upscaling/HDMI) displayed it.
Hououin (uploader)
@ElCid Well that’s why I kept it as a soft DAR correction. You could always extract the video track and then mux it back to lose this. Personally, I just don’t like the slightly stretched image, even if that’s how it was intended to be displayed.