One Piece Definitive Edition Re-Translation v001-011 (Colored) (Digital) (VLT) {East Blue} {v1.0} :: Nyaa ISS

One Piece Definitive Edition Re-Translation v001-011 (Colored) (Digital) (VLT) {East Blue} {v1.0}

2025-01-08 00:56
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4.6 GiB
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One Piece Definitive Edition v001-011 (Colored) (Digital) (VLT) {East Blue} {v1.0}

Welcome to One Piece Definitive Edition!

This non-profit fan project aims to fix and retranslate the existing English version of One Piece, Eiichiro Oda’s grand modern epic,
to offer the definitive way to read the One Piece manga in English.
We recommend this for both newcomers to the manga and those hoping to reread a version that is closer to Oda’s original vision.

Using the Glitter release as a base (a combined effort by Just Kidding Productions, Colored Council, anonymous, and others),
this Definitive Edition presents an updated version of the original colored manga with a revised script that addresses all the issues with the official translation.
Our translator, who has professional experience in the field, directly referenced the original Japanese release to improve the official English translation,
bringing it much closer to Oda’s original intent.

This includes:

  • Name Corrections : Names have been changed to their canon counterparts. No more “Zolo”!
  • Fixing Translation Errors : Thousands of changes, ranging from small adjustments to major corrections, have been made.
  • Improved Dialogue : Standardized early pirate lingo, fixed VIZisms, and refined speech patterns for consistency.
  • Censorship Removal : Characters are allowed to swear, though insults are used sparingly.
  • Translation Corners : Translation corners at the end of every volume provide insights into Japanese language and culture.

This is an early release of One Piece Definitive Edition, covering the East Blue Saga.
Future sagas will be released at a later date, and over time, we plan to work on a version that translates all sound effects and provides even higher image quality.

We are offering this version now rather than making you wait for the entire series to be complete.
Once all sagas are finished, we will release a full re-release as one piece large batch.

If you find any typos or errors in these pages, please report them on the Colored Council Discord so they can be fixed in the final release! General feedback is also appreciated.

Please support the official release (links included in the files) and enjoy the adventure of a lifetime!

~ Vega Labo Team

  • Stella (Production)
  • Shaka (Translation)
  • Lilith (Translation Assistance)
  • Edison (Management)
  • Pythagoras (Typesetting)
  • Atlas (Proofreading)



File list

  • One Piece Definitive Edition (Colored) (Digital) (VLT)
    • One Piece Definitive Edition v001 (Colored) (Digital) (VLT).cbz (800.7 MiB)
    • One Piece Definitive Edition v002 (Colored) (Digital) (VLT).cbz (655.4 MiB)
    • One Piece Definitive Edition v003 (Colored) (Digital) (VLT).cbz (339.6 MiB)
    • One Piece Definitive Edition v004 (Colored) (Digital) (VLT).cbz (352.7 MiB)
    • One Piece Definitive Edition v005 (Colored) (Digital) (VLT).cbz (346.7 MiB)
    • One Piece Definitive Edition v006 (Colored) (Digital) (VLT).cbz (317.6 MiB)
    • One Piece Definitive Edition v007 (Colored) (Digital) (VLT).cbz (368.2 MiB)
    • One Piece Definitive Edition v008 (Colored) (Digital) (VLT).cbz (363.9 MiB)
    • One Piece Definitive Edition v009 (Colored) (Digital) (VLT).cbz (406.2 MiB)
    • One Piece Definitive Edition v010 (Colored) (Digital) (VLT).cbz (385.8 MiB)
    • One Piece Definitive Edition v011 (Colored) (Digital) (VLT).cbz (389.1 MiB)

The One Piece is real.

this is crazy. I hope you’re able to finish this. A lot of these re translations get burn out after a few volumes but I hope you’re able to finish this

The fact that fans have to re-translate a widely popular manga to be more accurate to the source material should put “official translators” out of their fucking jobs, or rather their management, since some of them would probably do a decent job if not for their bosses and editors interfering with “PC/woke/progressive/let’s not offend anyone” ideologies.

@exiledmind it sucks, but one piece’s official translation is far from the worst viz has done. Dragon Ball and Yu Yu Hakusho have far worse translations

The problems with the official One Piece translation has NOTHING to do with “let’s not offend anyone”… well, I mean, aside from the part where they went out of their way to TONE DOWN the queerness of Ivankov and Mr. 2 and such folks. The early translation is simply SLOPPY. Because whoever worked on it kept rewriting a metric ton of stuff JUST BECAUSE. See for example: Luffy claiming to have “eaten the fruit of the Gum-Gum tree” in his battle with Mohji.

…It’s also been, on the whole, a genuinely excellent translation for at least ten years now. Just they never went back and made the rewrite-happy slop of the early volumes any more accurate, and sadly Stephen Paul the current translator (who is himself a huge fan of the series clearly doing his damnedest to do it justice) is in some respects held back by decisions made back then, with “Zolo” being the big one. I absolutely guarantee that if he’d had it his way, Zoro would be Zoro, but the higher-ups think that ANY change to the terminology will harm their bottom-line… as if “I refuse to buy the official manga because they call Zoro Zolo!” was not LITERALLY THE MOST COMMON REASON I’VE HEARD for people not buying it.

True, there will always be worse scenarios, but I’m kind of sick of the mentality of “it could be worse”, sure, it could, but it could be better too, so why are they not doing it better? I could understand if we were in the 80s or 90s where japanese translators were very few and manga was kinda new in the west, but nowadays anyone can learn japanese from 0 and manga is even more popular than regular comics. There’s absolutely NO EXCUSE to not stick to the source material, unless it is a “complex” manga like that one about “cypher academy” or some bullshit were the translator was like “how the fuck do I put this in english while trying not to sound like a retard” kind of reaction. When the text is an idiom or has some kind of rhyme in it I understand the “need” to try to put it so it makes sense in english or other language, but other than that, I don’t see the benefit of putting things that are not there in the original or to “modernize” it with internet lingo (that really pisses me off), unless again, it is on the source material.

@Lord_Starfish I’m pretty sure Oda didn’t have in mind “queerness” (or maybe he did, taking the fact that queer used to mean weird or strange, not the degenerate thing it does now) when he wrote and design those characters, but rather flamboyancy. And yeah, I agree, one minor change would not hurt their bottom line in the slightest. I just found it funny that the add things to push certain agendas in some cases and they refuse to revert mistakes of the past for fear of people getting mad at the change.


Whoa, thank you! Getting through East Blue has been a real chore with only bottom-of-the-barrel options for the first five volumes, and only somewhat better than that for the next like 10 volumes. I reread a chunk of the volumes I already read and while I have some nits to pick, at its worst practically everything has still better than previous options. If you’re open to hearing some unprompted feedback, here’s some names/terminology nits I have to pick:

Marine (JP: 海軍) - In English, kaigun is navy rather than marine. I know that marine is shown in roman letters all throughout the series, but that’s likely because kaigun is marine in German. This is the one change I’ve seen so far where I’d say Viz had it right. It’s similar to instances of wasei-eigo like manshon where translating to mansion isn’t accurate (though it’s admittedly less egregious because the difference between marine and navy in English is less obvious than the difference between mansion and apartment).

Patty (JP: パティ) - There’s an SBS in volume 7 where Oda says his name comes from pâtissier (which tracks because he’s a dessert chef), so a more etymologically correct romanization would be Pâti/Pati. To my understanding, aside from the official TL and fans guessing at the etymology (since the kana lines up for that too) before the SBS, the spelling Patty only comes from databooks, which to me are always much more dubious than stated authorial intent.

Klahadore (JP: クラハドール) - This one I’m a lot less sure about than the previous two nits I picked because I don’t know if there’s a deeper reason behind why Viz went with this spelling, but at face value it seems unideal because it obfuscates the connection to Kuro. Without knowing if there’s reasons I’m overlooking for why Klahadore does ultimately make more sense, my suggestion would be something like Kurahadore.


As an aside, I’d like to ask about something that won’t come up till way later: Do you guys plan to follow official and most fan TLs and leave the Admirals’ titles untranslated? If the plan is to leave them untranslated, here’s my shameless pitch for why I think they’re worth translating: they’re not names, they all translate easily to English, and Japanese readers are expected to pick up on the theme naming. There’s an SBS at some point where a reader talks about it off the cuff and Viz had to add a translation note explaining the naming scheme. Untranslated Admiral titles are also inconsistent with the near-universal (and sensible) standard of translating Kurohige and Shirohige to Blackbeard and Whitebeard, and funnily enough that’s slightly more of a complication in English than the Admiral titles because hige can be any facial hair, and Whitebeard has a mustache but no beard.

Also, somewhat impudent question: any chance of a version using black and white scans?

Anyway, that’s all my rambling out of the way. Thanks again for all the hard work! Having unfucked versions of the first 11 volumes is massive. Looking forward to more!

good release. definitely an improvement over the old colored chapters i’ve been using.

now we just need someone to make a version with the 4kids script and we’ll come full circle.

This looks great, thanks a lot!

can we have this across the online manga website !!!

What happened to the bleach colored stuff?