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Hey guys, 1r0nL3gacy45, aka 1r0n is back again with another new upload! Today I’ll be releasing Quantic Dream’s Detroit - Become Human - Tokyo Stories! You can come visit our server here.
Volumes | Resolution | Denoising | Leveling | Spreads |
1-2 (Complete) | x1350 | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ |
Hope you enjoy this release and as usual, happy reading folks!
Comments - 1
thank you for this … I started reading and only got a couple of pages in to the first story before it made me think about two sort of “unusual” things … the first being Hatsune Miku … a vocaloid, that got so popular she was doing world tours … and Miim, google HRP-4C a humanoid robotics project )that sadly got dropped) … if you google HRP-4C one of the videos of her shows her singing and dancing, on a stage, with her back-up being human dancers … while her performance would not have won any awards, the fact that a humanoid robot was even capable of doing anything like that is pretty awesome … so, take what Miim was, and advance it 20-30 years more, and who knows what might be possible