Dragonball Z Kai - 61 - No Victory for Android 19! Enter Super Vegeta! {C_P}.avi :: Nyaa ISS

Dragonball Z Kai - 61 - No Victory for Android 19! Enter Super Vegeta! {C_P}.avi

2011-03-12 04:56 UTC
File size:
169.5 MiB
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[![Image](http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/8233/dbzlogo2.jpg)](http://img808.imageshack.us/i/dbzlogo2.jpg/) ==================================================================================================== Synopsis: --------- 61 "No Chance of Victory Against [\#19](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=19)! Super Vegeta Arrives Late" / "No Victory for Android 19! Enter Super Vegeta!" "Jūkyū-gō ni Shōki Nashi! Okurete Kita Sūpā Bejīta" (19号に勝機なし!遅れてきた超ベジータ) June 13, 2010\[16\] March 10, 2011\[17\] Before Android [\#19](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=19) can finish draining Goku's energy, Vegeta finally arrives, saving Goku by kicking the android in the face. Yamcha then escorts Goku away from the battlefield. Vegeta then squares up to the androids, and much to everyone's surprise, transforms into a Super Saiyan. It is revealed that whereas Goku's transformation was triggered by the desire to protect his friends and family, Vegeta's was triggered purely by the desire to become stronger, as well as his anger at being surpassed by Goku. The battle then begins, and it's clear that Vegeta has the edge over Android [\#19](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=19). Even the android's energy absorption attack proves futile, as Vegeta tears off the android's arms, making the technique impossible to use. As the android runs in fear, Vegeta launches his Big Bang Attack and finishes the battle, leaving nothing but the android's head intact. Android [\#20](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=20) then escapes into the nearby cliffs, planning to use the terrain to launch a surprise attack on the fighters. Spoken Language:- English ------------------------- ============================================================================================== Cast: ------- Series cast summary: Masako Nozawa ... Son Gohan (92 episodes, 2009-2011) Jôji Yanami ... Narration (92 episodes, 2009-2011) Mayumi Tanaka ... Krillin (85 episodes, 2009-2011) Ryô Horikawa ... Vegeta (72 episodes, 2009-2011) Toshio Furukawa ... Piccolo (63 episodes, 2009-2011) Hiromi Tsuru ... Bulma (61 episodes, 2009-2011) Hikaru Midorikawa ... Tenshinhan (54 episodes, 2009-2011) Colleen Clinkenbeard ... Gohan (50 episodes, 2009-2010) Sean Schemmel ... Goku (49 episodes, 2009-2010) Christopher Sabat ... Vegeta (48 episodes, 2009-2010) Sonny Strait ... Krillin (47 episodes, 2009-2010) Tôru Furuya ... Yamcha (43 episodes, 2009-2011) Doc Morgan ... Narrator (43 episodes, 2009-2010) File Format:- Avi ------------------- h\*\*p://www.imdb.com/title/tt1409055/ ---------------------------------- Screens: -------- [![Image](http://img858.imageshack.us/img858/9084/dragonballzkai61novicto.jpg)](http://img858.imageshack.us/i/dragonballzkai61novicto.jpg/) ====================================================== ===== File Info ===== FileSize : 169M PlayTime : 00:20:49.916 VideoCount : 1 AudioCount : 1 ===== Video Info ===== Video 0# Stream VideoCodec : DX50 VideoWidth : 640 piexs VideoHeight : 480 piexs VideoFrameRate : 23.976fps VideoFrameCount : 29968 VideoBitRate : 996348 ===== Audio Info ===== Audio 0# Stream AudioCodec : MP3 AudioBitRate : 128000 AudioChannels : 2 AudioSampleRate : 48000 ================================= Hash: ------ CC82DB10A10BD55CE67E4000ED2CAEC4C4F0B219 ============================= Join us at #Cartoon\_Palace on irc.cartoonpalace.info for more Cartoons and Anime. <http://www.cartoonpalace.info/>

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