**Official PSN 'PSOne Classic' version, no Popsloader or anything needed.
Not customized; file too big.**
**Game ID:** SLUS-01251
Works on 6.35 PRO-B3 without further modifications
**Info, direct links etc to be found on
[Another Story](http://darkchaplain-anotherstory.blogspot.com/2011/03/final-fantasy-ix-us-psn-version.html)**
**I'd also appreciate if you'd help test my customized PSX2PSP-version of FFIX.
It works already and is save-wise compatible with the US PSN version.
[Details found over here](http://darkchaplain-anotherstory.blogspot.com/2011/03/its-alive-final-fantasy-ix-previewtest.html).**
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