www.colombo-bt.org presents
Lupin III - Rupan Sansei
Season 2
N° Episodes : 155
Audio : Italian-JAPANESE mp3 160 Kb/s
No Subs
Created by Monkey Punch in 1967, and originally running in the magazine Weekly Manga Action until 1972, Lupin III (Rupan Sansei) quickly rose to popularity in Japan. It was based off of the character Arsène Lupin, created by early 20th century French writer Marcel LeBlanc. The protagonist of Lupin III, appropriately named Arsène Lupin III, is the half-Japanese grandson of LeBlanc’s original Lupin. In the comics, Lupin is a thief and womanizer, and lacks almost all of the grace possessed by his gentleman-burglar grandfather.
In 1969, a movie serial was created, but it never reached theaters due to budget and time constraints. In 1971, the series was adapted to a television anime produced by Tokyo Movie Shina, and was directed by Masaaki Osumi, and later Hayao Miyazaki; Osumi resigned when the producers decided to make the series more oriented towards children and young teenagers. However, the creator of Cowboy Bebop, Shinichiro Watanabe, has stated that these episodes had a significant influence on him. This series is usually called “Green Jacket,” after the color of the jacket worn by Lupin during the series.
The second season, Shin Lupin III, ran from 1977-1980. This series, by far the longest, ran for 155 episodes. This is often referred to as the “Red Jacket” series, as Lupin wears a red jacket during the season. It is also the only one of the three series to have been licensed in the US by Geneon Entertainment (formerly Pioneer). Due to this, it is usually the one with which most American audiences have had contact with.
The third and final TV series, Lupin III Part III, ran from 1984 to 1985, and consisted of 50 episodes. This is known as the “Pink Jacket” season. Lupin was only to ever wear the pink jacket again in the film Legend of the Gold of Babylon, released in theaters in 1985.
Another TV series, Lupin VIII, was planned for production and was to be about the descendants of Lupin III and his friends in space. We can all thank the powers that be that this was scrapped and never released.
There were other theatrical releases, and yearly television specials in the franchise, which can all be found on these lovely charts from Wikipedia:
Rip Log
[ Info sul file ]
Nome: Ep33.avi
Data: 10/06/2008 03:08:29
Dimensione: 354,242,132 bytes (337.832 MB)
[ Info generiche ]
Durata: 00:24:17 (1456.96 s)
Tipo di contenitore: AVI
Streams totali: 3
Tipo stream n. 0: video
Tipo stream n. 1: audio
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Audio streams: 2
ISFT: transcode-1.0.6rc2
[ Dati rilevanti ]
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[ Traccia video ]
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[ Traccia audio n. 1 ]
Audio tag: 0x55 (MP3)
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Canali (contenitore): 2
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Chunks: 36415
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[ Traccia audio n. 2 ]
Audio tag: 0x55 (MP3)
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[ Info sulla codifica MPEG4 ]
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[ Analisi DRF ]
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[ Profile compliancy ]
Profilo da testare: MTK PAL 6000
Risoluzione: Ok
Framerate: Ok
Min buffer fill: 70%
Rapporto generato da AVInaptic (18-11-2007) in data 10 giu 2008, h 03:12:32
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