20111003 Tokyo Fashion Express - TGC Special :: Nyaa ISS

20111003 Tokyo Fashion Express - TGC Special

2011-10-05 02:48 UTC
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199.3 MiB
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![Image](http://i.imgur.com/DLsbc.jpg) Quote: Oct. 3, Mon. 23:30 - 0:00 (UTC) etc. Nippon Style: Japanese Girl Power to the World! Maki Okuda, Producer of the Tokyo Girls Collection The TGC fashion extravaganza, which marked its thirteenth edition, is increasingly gaining international interest. New chief producer Maki Okuda has drawn from her experience of living abroad to explore ways to promote the event in other countries. She started the TGC Special Collection, which features sophisticated autumn/winter designs and invited media from New York and other overseas cities. She also brought in noted international designer, KEITA MARUYAMA. Will this be an international turning point for the TGC? We take a look at TGC's global fashion strategies while observing Okuda's preparations for the uniquely Toky fashion event. Tokyo Buzz: Reporting from TGC's new venue, the Smile Arena. ENDING: TGC FASHION SNAPS `<br></br>Dropped video frames<br></br><br></br> Found average frame timing of 32.67 ms<br></br><br></br> Line Duration (ms) Time window<br></br> 25507 566 0:14:10.166 -> 0:14:10.732<br></br> 25532 234 0:14:11.532 -> 0:14:11.766<br></br> 25533 3000 0:14:11.766 -> 0:14:14.766<br></br> 25534 533 0:14:14.766 -> 0:14:15.299<br></br> 25535 3000 0:14:15.299 -> 0:14:18.299<br></br> 25775 166 0:14:26.266 -> 0:14:26.432<br></br> 25776 3000 0:14:26.432 -> 0:14:29.432<br></br> 33111 1700 0:18:33.899 -> 0:18:35.599<br></br><br></br>Total frames: 50030<br></br>` **Sorry for the dropped frames, this was the best of multiple captures. Thanks for the comments!**

File list

  • 20111003 Tokyo Fashion Express - TGC Special.mkv (199.3 MiB)