The story takes place in the near future in a city called Heartland. The story focuses on Yuma Tsukumo,
a young player of the Duel Monsters who strives to become the a champion at the game, despite being an amateur.
One day, during a duel with a school bully, a mysterious spirit called Astral appears before him, and helps
him to win. Astral explains to Yuma he is searching for his lost memories, which have been transformed into
99 Xyz Monster cards called "Numbers" and have been scattered across the globe. The Numbers have the ability to
possess the duelists who own them and bring out their darkest desires. In order to recover his memories,
Astral teams up with Yuma in order to recover the Numbers cards. However, they must not only compete with
the Numbers Holders, but also the Numbers Hunters, who seek to claim the Numbers cards for themselves in
order to destroy Astral's homeworld.
**No. 4kids Entertainment dub title/Original translated title, English airdate
Original Japanese title, Original airdate**
09 "Feline Frenzy" / "Cat's Surprising Cat Deck!?" February 4, 2012
"Kyatto Odoroku Neko Dekki!?" (キャットオドロく猫デッキ!?) June 6, 2011
As Yuma only just now comes to realise he has been coming to school in bizarre outfits for a week,
he learns from Astral that a cat-like thief has been sneaking into his room. The next day,
Yuma gets word that Tori has allegedly been kidnapped and goes to a mansion where he meets Cathy,
who challenges him to the duel. As he fights against her, Cathy admits she often feels ignored in
class and tries to confess some feelings to Yuma, but he is too focused on the duel, which he wins.
He later learns that Tori hadn't been kidnapped after all, but was just playing with her cats.
English cast
Eli Jay as Yuma Tsukumo
Marc Thompson as Astral
Eileen Stevens as Tori Meadows
Gary Mack as Ryoga Kamishiro (Shark)
Sean Schemmel as Bronk Stone
===== File Info =====
FileSize : 175M
PlayTime : 00:21:29.581
VideoCount : 1
AudioCount : 1
===== Video Info =====
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===== Audio Info =====
Audio 0# Stream
AudioCodec : MP3
AudioBitRate : 128000
AudioChannels : 2
AudioSampleRate : 48000
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