beware spoilers
EP#: J#: E#: English title: United States Air date
Japanese title Japan Air date**
710 704 “Lost at the Stamp Rally!” (Satoshi and Dent vs. the Subway Masters!) March 3, 2012 —
“Satoshi, Dento Tai Sabuwei Masutā!” (サトシ、デントVSサブウェイマスター!) October 6, 2011
After the Gym match, Dent decides that he wants to back to the subway so he can challenge the Subway Masters Nobori and Kudari in a match by
collecting enough stampls. Satoshi and Iris decide that they want to see the rest of Raimon City, so they take another subway train to explore.
They go to see the sports arenas, having a tennis match, and then head off to see a Pokémon Musical, before spending time at the amusement park.
Satoshi spots a Kibago with a bow on ehr tail, and they take her with them upon realizing that it has lost its trainer. In the subway, Dent meets
up with a trainer named Erina who says she has lost her Kibago. Satoshi and Iris go back to the trains, when the Kibago runs off to someone who
she thinks is her trainer, but it is another trainer whose Kurumayu is not happy to see Kibago. In the fray, Iris’s Emonga uses Thundershock on
everyone in the train car. A subway guard reprimands them after the incident, when Erina’s Kibago gets an idea to leave a note for Erina by stamping
her hand into the stamp ink and then Iris drawing a ferris wheel on a stamp sheet, indicating that they will be waiting at the amusement park.
As Dent and Erina get off a train at the same station, she sees the stamped card and asks Dent to come with her to the amusement park.
Dent realizes it is the last stamp he needs in order to face the Subway Masters and heads with her. Eventually, Satoshi and Iris meet up with Dent
and Erina, and Erina is reunited with her Kibago. Dent reveals they went to see Nobori and Kudari to find Satoshi and Iris, and just as Dent prepares
to hand in his card for his Battle Subway challenge, he realizes he is missing one stamp. However, Erina has the missing stamp, and the Subway Masters
allow it to count for Dent, and Satoshi, to challenge them, in a two-on-two match. Dent sends out Yanappu and Satoshi sends out Pokabu, while Nobori
sends out Chandela and Kudari sends out Shibirudon. While Yanappu and Pokabu give a good fight, Chandela and Shibirudon knock them out.
The Subway Masters wish Satoshi well on his journey to Hodomoe City, before the gang enjoys their last night in Raimon City, watching the sunset on
the ferris wheel with Erina.
Spoken Language: English
Stars:Unshô Ishizuka, Rica Matsumoto and Ikue Ootani
Series Cast
Ken Koyama (unknown episodes)
Yoshitaka Makino (unknown episodes)
Tetsuo Yajima (unknown episodes)
Tomomasa Yamazaki (unknown episodes)
Shinzo Fujita (unknown episodes)
Junichi Masuda (unknown episodes)
Hideki Sonoda (unknown episodes)
Ken Sugimori (unknown episodes)
Satoshi Tajiri (unknown episodes)
Junki Takegami (unknown episodes)
Atsuhiro Tomioka (unknown episodes)
===== File Info =====
FileSize : 182M
PlayTime : 00:20:49.416
VideoCount : 1
AudioCount : 1
===== Video Info =====
Video 0# Stream
VideoCodec : XVID
VideoWidth : 704 piexs
VideoHeight : 396 piexs
VideoFrameRate : 29.970fps
VideoFrameCount : 37445
VideoBitRate : 1083427
===== Audio Info =====
Audio 0# Stream
AudioCodec : MP3
AudioBitRate : 128000
AudioChannels : 2
AudioSampleRate : 48000
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