8\.15 Aftermath presents...
Nazo no Kanojo X v8 Limited Edition Special Drama CD
Compression done with iTunes 10.x.x.x
AAC vbr~320kbps Encoding and sample rate of 44.1kbps.
MP3 vbr highest Encoding and sample rate of 44.1kbps.
Track 1. Mysterious Drama CD
Track 2. CD Drama "The Mysterious Cold"
Track 3. Summer Vacation Garden skit: "Oka Ayuko's Urabe Mikoto Collection"
Track 4. CD Drama "The Mysterious Boy named 'Roman'"
Track 5. Summer Vacation Garden skit: "Oka Ayuko's Urabe Mikoto Collection [\#2](//www.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=2)"
Track 6. The Mysterious Aftertalk (??? & Watanabe Ayumu (TV Anime director))
Enjoy the rip, and remember,
buy the manga, and buy the CD!
Support the creators!
Or Urabe will cut you up, bitch.
and... I think that's it.
Files dedicated to: "Mai Waifu"
\#Tktranslator team for hardcore NNKX translation @
Nyaa users and Nyaa for epic tracker
Japanfags @ 2channel who still didn't rip this yet
Same for you #Nipponsei & other rip groups
Why 8.15? Because we survived the Aftermath...
We're Still Alive!
P.S. Look out for v. 9.
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