Plot Summary: Kudo Shinichi is a seventeen year-old high school detective whom people call the "Modern Sherlock Holmes." However, one night after a date with his childhood sweetheart, Ran, Shinichi witnessed an illegal trade and, caught off his guard, was knocked unconscious and fed a drug that was supposed to kill him... but he woke up and found himself shrunken to a seven year old. In order to track down the men who did this to him, Shinichi hid his identity and lived with Ran, whose father happened to be a hopeless detective, and with that came a series of murders and mysteries that he must solve.
The other season 5 torrent was replaced with this episodes 109-117 have been swapped for a superior group.
I'll be uploading every episode season by season every couple of days for those who can't wait all episodes can be found here
http://forum.dctp.ws/index.php?topic=710.0 and here for XDCC http://news.is-fabulo.us/
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